The Wheel of Time is an American fantacy Television series based on the novel of the same name aired on Amazon Prime Video in the year 2021.
If you are a fan of watching TV series like Game of Thrones and The Lord of the Rings then you must watch The Wheel of Time.
A commonality between The Wheel of Time and Game of Thrones is that both writers were friends.Wheel of Time was written before Game of Thrones.Game of Thrones was written in 1996 while Wheel of Time was written in 1990.
The series depicts a world in which magic exists but this power of magic is not available to everyone.
Moiraine Sedai who belongs to an influential female organization called "Aes Sedai" starts a dangerous journey with five young men and women beacause she believes that one of these five can be powerful enough to either save the world or destroy humanity.
This Television series, full of interesting, surprising and fabulous scenes, has got a rating of 7.7 on IMDB.
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The Wheel of Time